How to Choose the Quietest Dishwasher for Your Home

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When I first moved into my new home, I was excited to host dinner parties and gatherings. However, I quickly realized that my old, noisy dishwasher was making conversations difficult during clean-up. I knew I had to find a solution. After doing some research, I came across an article that explained how to choose the quietest dishwasher.

The article taught me about the importance of decibel levels and ratings in determining the noise level of dishwashers. I learned that some top brands like Bosch and Samsung offered dishwashers with low decibel ratings, meaning they operated more quietly. I was thrilled to discover that there were even dishwashers with decibel ratings as low as 38 dBA, which would be perfect for my open floor plan.

Armed with this new knowledge, I visited a local appliance store and compared the decibel ratings of various dishwasher models. I finally settled on a Bosch dishwasher with a decibel rating of 40 dBA, which was a massive improvement over my old, noisy dishwasher.

Now, when I host gatherings at my home, I can enjoy conversations with my guests without being interrupted by the loud dishwasher noise. Thanks to that helpful article, I found the perfect quiet dishwasher for my home, and it has made all the difference.


If you’re looking for a new dishwasher, you may want one that doesn’t make too much noise. In this blog post, we’ll help you find the quietest dishwasher for your home. We’ll discuss dishwasher decibel ratings, the top quiet models, and some useful tips for choosing a quiet dishwasher.

Understanding Decibels and Dishwasher Noise Levels

What is a Decibel?

A decibel (dB) is a unit used to measure the intensity of a sound. The scale is logarithmic, meaning that an increase of 10 decibels is twice as loud as the previous level. For example, a sound at 50 decibels is twice as loud as one at 40 decibels. The human ear can typically detect sounds between 0 and 140 decibels.

Dishwasher Decibel Ratings

The amount of noise a dishwasher makes is measured in decibels (dB) or decibels adjusted (dBA). The decibel level, sometimes called the dishwasher decibel rating, is a measure of the noise output from the appliance. When looking for a quiet dishwasher, pay close attention to the dB or dBA rating. A lower number means the dishwasher is quieter.

Most dishwashers have a decibel rating between 38 and 60 dB. Here’s an idea of how loud different decibel levels are:

  • 30 decibels: Whisper-quiet conversation
  • 38 decibels: Quieter dishwasher, like some Bosch models
  • 45 decibels: Quiet conversation in the kitchen
  • 50 decibels: Normal conversation
  • 60 decibels: Louder dishwasher, like some older models

Top Quiet Dishwasher Brands

There are several quietest dishwasher brands to consider when choosing the right appliance for your home. Here are some of the most popular options:


Bosch is well-known for its quiet dishwashers. In fact, Bosch was the first brand to introduce dishwashers with a decibel rating below 50 dB. The Bosch 800 Series SHPM88Z75N is an incredibly quiet dishwasher with a rating of just 38 dBA. This stainless steel dishwasher features a third rack, adjustable racks, and a self-cleaning cycle.


The Samsung DW80R9950UT dishwasher is another quiet option with a 39 dBA rating. This dishwasher has features like adjustable racks, a third rack, and spray arms designed for better cleaning.


KitchenAid offers some quiet dishwasher models as well. The KitchenAid KDTM354DSS has a decibel rating of 44 dB, making it quieter than many other dishwashers on the market.


Miele is known for its high-quality home appliances, including quiet dishwashers. The Miele G 7516 SCi AutoDos has a decibel rating of 44 dBA, making it another good option for a quiet appliance.


LG offers quiet dishwashers like the LG LDP6797ST, which has a decibel rating of 44 dBA. This dishwasher features a stainless steel tub and adjustable racks for maximum flexibility.


Whirlpool also offers quiet dishwasher options, such as the Whirlpool WDTA50SAKZ with a 47 dB rating.

Features That Make Dishwashers Quieter

When choosing a quieter dishwasher, look for specific features that help minimize noise. Some of these include:


Dishwashers with more insulation around the motor, pump, and cabinetry are generally quieter. This insulation dampens the sound and reduces the noise output. High-quality insulation is essential for a quiet operation.

Stainless Steel Tubs

Stainless steel tubs can help make your dishwasher quieter. They are more effective at absorbing sound than plastic tubs. In addition to reducing noise, stainless steel tubs are more durable and can improve energy efficiency.

Adjustable and Soft-Close Racks

Adjustable racks allow you to customize the dishwasher’s interior to fit your dishes more securely. This can help prevent dishes from clanking together during the wash cycle, reducing noise. Soft-close racks also minimize noise by preventing the racks from slamming shut.

Spray Arms

Some dishwashers have specially designed spray arms that help reduce noise. These spray arms distribute water more evenly and quietly, leading to a quieter dishwasher overall.

How to Determine the Right Decibel Level for Your Home

When choosing a quiet dishwasher, it’s essential to consider your home’s layout and your personal noise tolerance. Here are some factors to keep in mind:

Open Floor Plans

If you have an open floor plan, you may want to invest in a dishwasher with a lower decibel rating. The noise from the dishwasher can travel more easily in open spaces, making it more noticeable.

Your Noise Sensitivity

Consider your own sensitivity to noise. If you are easily bothered by loud noises, you may want to prioritize a lower decibel rating. On the other hand, if you can tolerate some noise, a slightly louder dishwasher may be acceptable and more affordable.


Quieter dishwashers tend to be more expensive than their noisier counterparts. Determine your budget and weigh the importance of quiet operation against other factors like price, features, and energy efficiency.

Comparing Dishwasher Decibel Levels

When shopping for a quiet dishwasher, compare the decibel levels of different models. Keep in mind that a difference of two decibels might not be very noticeable, but a difference of 10 decibels can be twice as loud. Here are some popular dishwasher models and their decibel ratings for comparison:

  • Bosch 800 Series SHPM88Z75N: 38 dBA
  • Samsung DW80R9950UT: 39 dBA
  • KitchenAid KDTM354DSS: 44 dB
  • Miele G 7516 SCi AutoDos: 44 dBA
  • LG LDP6797ST: 44 dBA
  • Whirlpool WDTA50SAKZ: 47 dB


Choosing the quietest dishwasher for your home doesn’t have to be a difficult task. By understanding dishwasher decibel ratings, knowing the top quiet dishwasher brands, and considering your home’s layout and noise preferences, you can find the perfect quiet dishwasher for your needs. Remember to compare decibel levels and consider the features that contribute to a quieter dishwasher to make the best decision for your home.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. What is a good decibel rating for a quiet dishwasher?

A good decibel rating for a quiet dishwasher is typically between 38 and 44 dBA. Dishwashers with ratings in this range are considered to be quiet and should not cause significant disturbance in most homes.

2. Are stainless steel dishwashers quieter than plastic ones?

Yes, stainless steel dishwashers tend to be quieter than those with plastic tubs. Stainless steel is more effective at absorbing sound, which can help reduce the noise produced by the dishwasher during operation.

3. Can I soundproof my existing dishwasher to make it quieter?

While you may not be able to fully soundproof an existing dishwasher, there are some steps you can take to reduce the noise it produces. Adding insulation around the dishwasher or installing a sound-dampening mat beneath the appliance can help minimize noise. However, these solutions may not be as effective as purchasing a dishwasher specifically designed for quiet operation.

4. Does a lower decibel rating mean better cleaning performance?

A lower decibel rating indicates that the dishwasher is quieter, but it does not necessarily mean that the cleaning performance is better. When choosing a dishwasher, consider both the noise level and the appliance’s cleaning capabilities, such as its wash cycles and additional features.

5. How do I find the decibel rating of a dishwasher?

The decibel rating of a dishwasher is usually listed on the manufacturer’s website or on the appliance’s product specifications sheet. You can also find this information on retailer websites or by asking a sales associate for assistance.

6. Are all Bosch dishwashers quiet?

While Bosch is well-known for producing quiet dishwashers, not all Bosch models have the same decibel rating. It’s essential to check the specific decibel rating of the model you’re interested in to ensure it meets your noise preferences.

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